Thursday, November 17, 2005

Jack Thompson

Today we'll be talking about a certain Jack Thompson.

Yes, he IS a lawyer. A most deluded and rather incompetent one, at that. But that is not why I dislike him so much.

I dislike him (hate should not be ascribed to the man, because he is not worth the aggravating mental effort to hate) because he often has no idea what he's talking about. In fact, his entire crusade to crush the gaming industry is due to a supposed "induced state of violence" created when playing video games, and that all video games must inspire some sort of angered and aggravated bloodlust leading to a rash of murders. SHUT UP. You do not know what you are talking about, Mr. Thompson, and quite frankly everyone else on the planet would agree. Anyone who is part of you so-called "coalition" is only following you because they are being blinded by your insane stupidity and your so-called "scientifically proven evidence."

To the contrary, any of the organizations that you have quoted have sent out press releases saying that the bulk of your usage of their research is completely out of context, and that for all intents and purposes, you implying that they back you constitutes their lawsuits of you.

I hope they finally revoke his legal license. Jack Thompson obviously doesn't understand that the causes leading to the crimes he claims were caused by video games were in actuality caused by severe ignorance on the part of the defendants, and their irresponsibility as people towards others. Video games are supposed to be a distraction from life, not its dictator. Therefore, shut up, Mr. Thompson. We are gamers. DON'T SCREW AROUND WITH US.

1 comment:

Hokares said...