Sunday, November 20, 2005

More Whining

Sorry about posting so late. Guild Wars has some sort of subliminal mind control image flasher; I can’t stop playing the thing.

Anyway, I do have some things to talk about today, running the gamut from anime to movies to music.

#1: Why do American translators have to be so retarded with their translations of extremely good anime?

First off, I like anime. I draw anime. I at least have a working understanding of what baka means. That’s all I can understand about Japanese as far as language is concerned. And yet, translators all over Cartoon Network render Naruto from a truly epic anime/manga to a pointlessly blatherful (note the new word!) twenty-two minute and 15 second waste of my life. That’s right, even the commercials have more underlying content than the actual show Cartoon Network has blessedly given all of humanity a break from.

I mean, come on, baka means stupid, or with its proper suffix, idiot. And yet Sasuke still refuses to say idiot and says loser. They make him look extremely petty and exacting. Last time I checked the fansubs, he wasn’t. Sasuke can be a jerk, but he actually is not that shallow sounding. Same with Naruto. He doesn’t say “Believe it!” every four seconds into an almost intelligent conversation, at least not in the Japanese version of it.

Therefore, Cartoon Network has again proven itself to ruin even the best of shows in the interests of "children." I understand editing the part where Zabuza gets nailed with all the needles, and the part where Inari's dad is murdered after being tied to a cross (giant pole in English). That makes sense. But shallowing all the characters in the interest of making it simple for seven year olds to (supposedly) understand just blows my freaking mind. It hurts the frontal areas of my brain with its extreme improbability. Right now, I can barely focus thanks to the powers of corporate stupidity in all its forms.

#2: How is it that Cartoon Network is showing live action movies on a Cartoon Network?

Sure, I like Tim Burton's Batman, but think hard, CN execs: you run a Cartoon effin' Network. Stick to the implied purpose. Please. For the love of God, please. You're better off. Way better off.

#3: What happened to the Black Eyed Peas?

I used to have some respect for them. But after My Humps, I can't get over the fact how lame the song is. Why? This is possibly the most uninspired song I have ever heard made. We get it.
You are "gangsta." You like "bling." You are attractive and claim to have the world's best female chest. No one on the freaking planet even cares anymore. The material is way overdone these days. I mean, come on guys, you used to come up with some quasi-original material. Don't even talk to me anymore. I find more enjoyment in listening to Katamari Fortissimo Damacy, which is as random and strange as it can possibly get in any given half hour of listening to this strange and ambient album. Wanda Wanda has more originality in a single given vowel sound than My Humps.

Eldrin out. Gots to get me a haircut.

1 comment:

Hokares said...

Wow... haha. I agree whole heartedly. I sorta did get lost with the whole needles part of your arguement... but needless to say as a critic of your writing, I was touched by the sincere honestly you have shown. Not that anyone cares what I have to say of course... My humps, is like you said, not original. It is repetitive. And another point of agreement. I do believe that material has a bit too much value these days. The "perfect image" of a girl is one with abs, D's, and money. Which is not what a majority of us are. Its important to know that each person is beautiful in their own way, and if they are confident and happy, they needn't worry about looks. I completely agree with you...