Saturday, October 21, 2006


Okay, let's settle the issue at hand.

I hate it when I have nothing to inpspire me. Nada. It's like I have nothing to say or do or make. It's that kind of thing that drives me nuts. Nuts as a Vulcan during por farr.

Yes, that was a Star Trek Original Series reference, shut up.

So anyways, I'm just gonna have to brainstorm stuff up. Man this is gonna be a pain in the ass.

Oh, right, before I go and do that project...

I highly recommend using Flash 8 by Macromedia to ink art. The reason is simple: Flash has a tablet sensitivity function which in addition is great since once you start laying out the "ink" Flash will automatically try to smooth out the lines so it doesn't look choppy. If that isn't convenient, what is?

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