Saturday, October 21, 2006


Okay, let's settle the issue at hand.

I hate it when I have nothing to inpspire me. Nada. It's like I have nothing to say or do or make. It's that kind of thing that drives me nuts. Nuts as a Vulcan during por farr.

Yes, that was a Star Trek Original Series reference, shut up.

So anyways, I'm just gonna have to brainstorm stuff up. Man this is gonna be a pain in the ass.

Oh, right, before I go and do that project...

I highly recommend using Flash 8 by Macromedia to ink art. The reason is simple: Flash has a tablet sensitivity function which in addition is great since once you start laying out the "ink" Flash will automatically try to smooth out the lines so it doesn't look choppy. If that isn't convenient, what is?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ow, ow, ow....

This applies to both sexes:

Do NOT shave under ANY circumstances while SNEEZING.

I counted at least ten lacerations before using tissues to stop the bleeding.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Wait, last thing to add...

SmarterChild is stupid.

Lemme think this through...

I would like to say that I have now listened to three different covers of the song "Fly Me to The Moon". If you do not know that song, you are hereby now ejected from whatever hierarchy of knowledge you are in and immediately relegated to the level of utterly mentally impaired.

Anyway, I'm gonna draw a comparison. Watch.

That was Frank Sinatra, circa 1965.

Now for Utada Hikaru.

Impressive, but we must move on.

Let's see the version from Evangelion. You know, that weird Freudian anime that to this day, still confuses me. I know what they're talking about, but it doesn't make sense. Anyway...

What does the ocean have to do with this? Or a spinning adolescent girl? And why does "l" sound like "r" and vice versa? And what is with the voices?

Anyways, lemme see. Sinatra's advantages:

  • He's Frank Sinatra.
  • He actually studied singing.
  • He is considered an American classic.
  • He allegedly had ties to the Mob.

Utada Hikaru:

  • Has good symphonics and tone.
  • Is a girl.
  • She has a good grasp on the English language. I'm not trying to be racist, it's true. She can speak English very well, as well as sing.
  • Is a girl. Which means boobs.

Evangelion's voice actresses:

  • They' a very eerie way.
  • Seriously, they creep me out.
  • Very good harmony, they work well together.
  • Poor pronunciation.

Judging from the previous, the winner must be...


Don't even question his dominance. It's not up for debate in any way or form. There. Because the Mob will come for me. The walls, they have eyes.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Things I detest, and things I like.

And thus, a list of things I hate/vehemently dislike:

  1. Emo chicks. Because nobody cares. Look, it's not like I'm trying to be insensitive, but COME ON. If you have issues, see a psychiatrist or a priest or something. Seriously, it's like you ladies don't shut up about anything without whining about it or how much your life sucks. I am, of course, only referring to the posers. The real emos are safe from my wrath.
  2. Posers in general.
  3. The habit of some people to take shortcuts in typing. Look man, I'll say it once, LEARN TO TYPE. Seriously, is it that hard to learn? The only acceptable acronyms are LOL, AFK, and BRB. That will be all.

Things I like:

  1. Naruto. Not that much.
  2. The Wii. Nintendo is WORTH IT MAN.
  3. Carlos Mencia, who is not ashamed to make fun of himself, every single race, and somehow be right. Filippinos ARE Asian beaners. HOLY CRAP. LOL.

There'll be more eventually.

Parting gift:

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Well, yeah...

Okay, i will admit my folly:

I have a MySpace.  A very boring MySpace, but I am the (ashamed) owner and creator of one.

I will now commit digital seppuku. I will need a sword made of floppy disks of variant sizes, which would conglomerate into a massive sawblade with which to impale myself.

Don't worry, I'm being metaphorical. I have no intention of spilling my own blood, much less any other bodily fluid.

In any case, here is the link which will lead to the evidence of much imbibing of chemicals whilst cleaning my home.

No, I am fully aware nobody knows who I am. Which is good.