Monday, March 13, 2006

Burning Sensations

No, not those.

Don't even joke about that.

Anyway, moving on, I would like to say that overall, my day wasn't bad.

Even though I think I embarassed myself on camera more than fifteen times on Friday during a certain band rehearsal, and that somehow, Gil and Barron will spread the joy of my inane dancing skills.

Of which I have none. Nada. Zip.

I can't even do DDR properly, which is a testament to my feet-to-eye coordination. A failure of any level of nueron to neuron interaction, to be more precise. It's almost like dancing is elusive to me.

Then again, I really hate playing DDR. The only DDR-like game I ever liked was Guitar Hero, which is truly the only way to master air guitar without looking stupid in public. What with your flailing hands and such, attempting to strum notes from a guitar you know all too well doesn't even exist. Even so, belting tunes in my head without the aid of the now eponymous iPod isn't so bad; I think I listened to Rocket Man twice during that writing seminar today.

Rocket Man.



I believe you see the point.

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