Sunday, December 18, 2005


There's absolutely nothing to whine about this week. At all. I'm stunned.

However, do check!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Today's Cable...What a Shame....

Geez, I've been so busy, I realized that I can't post every day at all. So therefore, I have decided to post on a twice-a-week basis to give myself some breathing room for some of my other, er, projects. And relationships. And possibly angry budgies who believe it is their sole right to glide about my home, chew up my walls and furniture, and poop every fifteen minutes (on average for their species, anyway) on important documents. They need so much attention. Ugh.

Just to get that out of the way.

Onto today's topic: why today's children's networks suck so badly.

Cartoon Network I once respected completely. I mean, they even ran Looney Toons back then. The good ones by Friz Freeling and Chuck Jones and the stuff by Tex Avery. Those actually had quality invested in them. The old Scooby Doo, The Adventures of Captain Planet, and even the Pirates of Dark Water. What happened to these?

Now we have some of the most impotent garbage I have ever witnessed. If CN ever crashes, I only want these shows to survive: The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, IGPX, possibly Code Lyoko, and Ed, Edd, and Eddy. These can actually garner, oh, I don't know, actual maturity and respect. (Seriously, you know you laugh at Billy and Mandy. It rocks.)

The real reason, anyway, that these networks are being such morons about their programming is because they want to appeal to a whole mass market as well as advertise to future consumers. Just like NeoPets. That was cool, until every freaking name brand chain of stores found it. Now, everything there is nothing more than "cool" surveys and brand name, for the love of God, in-game items. Where is the sense in having NAME BRAND ITEMS in your inventory?! Why?! Do you five-year-olds even know what a McDonald's even IS?! Or the GAP?!

CN wants to attract the largest base of customers possible, but at the cost of older consumers who would'nt even respond to really lame commercials for so-called video games. A lightgun hooked to your TV which does not feature quick-reload or the words Time Crisis II on the start menu a video game does not make. You cheap, name brand imitations, with your fancy girl's life sim. You can also do the same thing, kiddies, for obviously a much lower price. Write a freaking book.

I rest my case.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

More Whining

Sorry about posting so late. Guild Wars has some sort of subliminal mind control image flasher; I can’t stop playing the thing.

Anyway, I do have some things to talk about today, running the gamut from anime to movies to music.

#1: Why do American translators have to be so retarded with their translations of extremely good anime?

First off, I like anime. I draw anime. I at least have a working understanding of what baka means. That’s all I can understand about Japanese as far as language is concerned. And yet, translators all over Cartoon Network render Naruto from a truly epic anime/manga to a pointlessly blatherful (note the new word!) twenty-two minute and 15 second waste of my life. That’s right, even the commercials have more underlying content than the actual show Cartoon Network has blessedly given all of humanity a break from.

I mean, come on, baka means stupid, or with its proper suffix, idiot. And yet Sasuke still refuses to say idiot and says loser. They make him look extremely petty and exacting. Last time I checked the fansubs, he wasn’t. Sasuke can be a jerk, but he actually is not that shallow sounding. Same with Naruto. He doesn’t say “Believe it!” every four seconds into an almost intelligent conversation, at least not in the Japanese version of it.

Therefore, Cartoon Network has again proven itself to ruin even the best of shows in the interests of "children." I understand editing the part where Zabuza gets nailed with all the needles, and the part where Inari's dad is murdered after being tied to a cross (giant pole in English). That makes sense. But shallowing all the characters in the interest of making it simple for seven year olds to (supposedly) understand just blows my freaking mind. It hurts the frontal areas of my brain with its extreme improbability. Right now, I can barely focus thanks to the powers of corporate stupidity in all its forms.

#2: How is it that Cartoon Network is showing live action movies on a Cartoon Network?

Sure, I like Tim Burton's Batman, but think hard, CN execs: you run a Cartoon effin' Network. Stick to the implied purpose. Please. For the love of God, please. You're better off. Way better off.

#3: What happened to the Black Eyed Peas?

I used to have some respect for them. But after My Humps, I can't get over the fact how lame the song is. Why? This is possibly the most uninspired song I have ever heard made. We get it.
You are "gangsta." You like "bling." You are attractive and claim to have the world's best female chest. No one on the freaking planet even cares anymore. The material is way overdone these days. I mean, come on guys, you used to come up with some quasi-original material. Don't even talk to me anymore. I find more enjoyment in listening to Katamari Fortissimo Damacy, which is as random and strange as it can possibly get in any given half hour of listening to this strange and ambient album. Wanda Wanda has more originality in a single given vowel sound than My Humps.

Eldrin out. Gots to get me a haircut.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Jack Thompson

Today we'll be talking about a certain Jack Thompson.

Yes, he IS a lawyer. A most deluded and rather incompetent one, at that. But that is not why I dislike him so much.

I dislike him (hate should not be ascribed to the man, because he is not worth the aggravating mental effort to hate) because he often has no idea what he's talking about. In fact, his entire crusade to crush the gaming industry is due to a supposed "induced state of violence" created when playing video games, and that all video games must inspire some sort of angered and aggravated bloodlust leading to a rash of murders. SHUT UP. You do not know what you are talking about, Mr. Thompson, and quite frankly everyone else on the planet would agree. Anyone who is part of you so-called "coalition" is only following you because they are being blinded by your insane stupidity and your so-called "scientifically proven evidence."

To the contrary, any of the organizations that you have quoted have sent out press releases saying that the bulk of your usage of their research is completely out of context, and that for all intents and purposes, you implying that they back you constitutes their lawsuits of you.

I hope they finally revoke his legal license. Jack Thompson obviously doesn't understand that the causes leading to the crimes he claims were caused by video games were in actuality caused by severe ignorance on the part of the defendants, and their irresponsibility as people towards others. Video games are supposed to be a distraction from life, not its dictator. Therefore, shut up, Mr. Thompson. We are gamers. DON'T SCREW AROUND WITH US.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

First Rant

This is the first rant I'm ever going to put up on this site.

Yeah, the excitement is really anticlimactic. Wow.

It's another blog site maintained by the world's laziest teen, with absolutely no checks on power whatsoever. It's an experiment in making the world laugh. And it should start failing miserably right about NOW.

Our only order of business: Who would win in a head on fight, bin Laden or Bush?

Sad to say, the winner would have to be bin Laden. He obviously shows an intelligence far greater than Bush's if he can outrun the US government for more than five years with a cave and an Internet connection. Bush can barely pronounce "Internet" without suffixing it with another idiotic phrase. bin Laden also can use a gun effectively. Bush, on the other hand, is debatable, as his military records have somehow been abducted by aliens, the likes of which are similar to Michael Jackson (or so the government claims). Also, Bush cannot even contend with bin Laden on scale of (in)famousness. I mean, if the guy can be beat out by a Tic-Tac in an IQ test, I'm sure the US is very, VERY screwed. Assuming Bush isn't busy choking on some sort of salted treat.

So yes, Bush has the United States nearly screwed. I wish I had a milkshake.

UPDATE/DISCLAIMER: I do not support bin Laden in any way or form. I simply think he is far more intelligent than Bush. Now, if this were some sort of "hiding behind bureaucracy " game/match, Bush would definitely win. By the way, has anyone see Cheney? At all?